Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Iran, Obama "Wins"

A certain leading official is clamoring to scream “I Win!”  Yes, the POTUS can issue an executive agreement.  Yes, ...

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Celebrating Ancestral Heritage in America

This is the season of ancestral pride.  The Irish are parading!  This season leads so many Americans to question their ethnic origins and be proud of their heritage, which they soon uncover is..

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Busy Having A Perfect Life

How many days can I pack into a week?  Teague sat at her kitchen table tapping away with her eraser on the empty paper.  There were so many things to do she had to make a list.  Eventually, she would use the sharp end of...

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Thursday, March 5, 2015

You Call Yourself A Christian?

So you call yourself a Christian.  Here's the question.  Do you care that Christians and Jews are being killed?  Do you care that children are being taught to kill Christians and Jews?  Are you... continue reading at A-marie.net