Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Northern Slavery

Think you know history?  Take a read.  Please note; there is a quote using a politically incorrect term, which is not a term that I would choose to describe anyone.  However, it is a quote by Melish, author of Disowning Slavery.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Ebooks by Amy Comer Carlile: The Preacher's Kid's Diaries: Hannah's Story

Ebooks by Amy Comer Carlile: The Preacher's Kid's Diaries: Hannah's Story: Have you ever wondered why the preacher's kid is the absolute worst? Or are they? Journey into Hannah's world. See life th...

Monday, July 20, 2015

Ditch the Magic Show!

Pivoting, oh dear giblet gravy!  I'm so sick of the pivoting!  Quit trying to redirect Americans!  We see straight through it!  Josh Ernest, Jay Carney, and the...
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Just Say, "NO!"

For months, America has been pushing back the deadline of a deal with Iran.  Now, we are facing our president making an executive treaty without...
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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Nikki Haley, the Non-southern South Carolinian Governor

These aren't common photos of our once beloved governor.  And there's a reason.  People of a state, region, town, choose representatives that they feel will REPRESENT their beliefs and culture.  Someone that will protect their rights to continue in preserving their history, heritage, and culture.  She claimed to be one of our own...

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Friday, July 10, 2015

Where are the heroes?

What is the fascination in our country with super heroes? Nobody wants to be one.  They want someone to sweep in and take care of...

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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Blood in the Water

Careers that have been made from years of uncompromising diligence are in one grand stroke wiped into oblivion.  Why?
It comes back to...

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Tuesday, July 7, 2015


 It might seem like a lifetime ago, but Queen Latifah sung a song of unity.  We need this more than ever.  With all the news being spread across America of demonstrations and groups attacking people.  We truly need to focus on our commonality, we're Americans.

No where else in the world do you find so many different... Continue reading at...

Monday, July 6, 2015

Nothin' Like Bein' Labeled a Racist

If you're in the South, be prepared to be called a racist. This isn't because of anything you believe, wear, or fly. It's simply because of where you live and well, it appears to be the latest campaign.

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We HAD a Constitution

SCOTUS Saves Obamacare! Price: $U.S. Constitution.
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Get Your Own Money!

State Rights
South Carolina says, "Pay your OWN bills!" Don't you hate it when people come looking for you to pay their bills? Guess what. South Carolina didn't like it then, nor now either.…/south-carolina-says-pay-your-own-bills…

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

State Rights

South Carolina says, "Pay your OWN bills!" Don't you hate it when people come looking for you to pay their bills? Guess what. South Carolina didn't like it then, nor now either.

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SCOTUS Saves Obamacare!

Meanwhile, in the Senate...

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